I’ve just updated the snagtools (SYONEX Nagios tools) distribution to be more friendly, with a configure script and all that. Some of my favorites are check_allstorage, check_snmpexec, and various tools for monitoring NetApps and Asterisk systems. Snagtools is available here.
Modified version of NRPE for Nagios
The Nagios system and network monitoring software is terrific, and I use it in lots of places and lots of ways. The NRPE (Nagios Remote Plugin Executor) addon is handy – it lets you run Nagios plugins on a remote machine. But I wanted it to allow me a little more flexibility. So, I added […]
Testing SMTP Server Authentication
I recently set up a new mail server, and I wanted to make sure that SMTP authentication was working as I expected. The msmtp command (from http://msmtp.sourceforge.net/) turned out to be just what I needed. msmtp is an SMTP client that can use by as an “SMTP plugin” for mutt or other Mail User Agents […]
Welcome to my blog
I plan to blog on various technical topics that I hope will be helpful to others.